Thank you for another wonderful season!
It's been cold & wet out. The furnaces are back on and fireplaces stoked. Hats, mittens, sweaters, down jackets and boots back in reach. The "to watch" movie list is taking shape, and books are gathered at the night stand to dig into. It's time for hot tea! Outside, we're busily buttoning up the farm over here. Our outdoor seasonal "pop-up tea shop" has been tucked away, and we're back to online only sales, with locals' pick up option every Wednesday from 12-4 pm. We're making and applying Biodynamic preparations and burying manure-filled horns for next season's soil fertility applications. We're still plucking tea leaves from the hoop houses, and processing Oolong and Black teas. We're assessing what needs to be pruned to support new growth. We're collecting seeds. We're preparing for winter. The contractors are wrapping up our expansion to the "tea vault" (as we call it) including an outdoor bathroom which will be great during special events such as classes, tours, & weddings here at the farm. Inside our commercial kitchen, we're blending teas, still drying herbs (Mints, Raspberry leaf , Stinging Nettle, and Camellia sinensis aka "Tea" leaves). In the fulfillment center, we're preparing for holiday orders- stocking up on all of your favorites to be sure we have everything you're looking for to nourish, nurture and support you and your loved ones with a delicious & wide assortment of teas and caffeine-free tisanes. We sincerely enjoy serving you, stewarding this land, and the miracle of successfully growing teas out of their natural zone. Hoop houses are amazing! Come take a tour next season and learn how we do this. Thank you, again, for supporting Light of Day Organics. Please stay tuned for exciting announcements in next newsletter regarding 2023 plans to celebrate our 20th Anniversary!! With deep appreciation, Angela, Kristi, Sara, James, Leland, Kristin and Jena 2022 Farm Family Crew
Below are some best selling Fall favorites we think you might enjoy!