$73.00 $78.75 You save: 7% ( $5.75 )
Ingredients: Organic Ceremonial Grade Matcha Green tea, Organic Turmeric root, Vegan Capsule Material (Pullulan)
Notes: A TWO month supply of your favorite encapsulated Ceremonial grade, radiation-free, pristine Matcha AND Turmeric root... now in capsule form! Great for traveling- super convenient- does not need refrigeration for 2 months since product does not oxidize inside of its encapsulated shell. Each vegan capsule (Vegetarian/Vegan-friendly plant cellulose capsule instead of the standard Bovine gelatin) contains 1/2 gram of the same Light of Day brand ceremonial grade Matcha green tea powder that we offer in loose powder form. There are 120 (600 mg) easy- to- swallow capsules per bottle. Suggested intake: For the first month, start with taking just 2 capsules at the same time in the morning. If that's doing the job, stay with it. If not, consider taking 2 more capsules a few hours later. During my last flare of an auto-immune disease, this author discovered that her pain and fatigue radically improved by repeating after lunch with 2 more capsules, and that this supplementation possibly contributed to the significantly shortened length of my inflammatory episode.
Light of Day Organics is the first tea company in the industry (world wide!) to encapsulate Matcha Green Tea- and it's being received as the greatest thing since sliced bread! Enjoy!
A match made in Heaven! Each Vegan capsule contains 300 mg. Ceremonial Grade Matcha AND 300 mg. Fair trade Turmeric root. Made in the U.S.A! Each lot third party tested in Illinois for pesticide residue, heavy metals, fluoride, and radiation.
Your body will thank you!
TURMERIC ROOT - is a rhizome related to ginger root that has been a staple of both traditional Chinese and Indian medicine and diet for thousands of years. It contains a wide range of anti-oxidant, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-carcinogenic, anti-mutagenic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also loaded with many healthy nutrients such as protein, dietary fiber, Niacin, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Potassium, Calcium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium and Zinc.
MATCHA- is the oldest variety of shade grown Green Tea (shade grown to keep the plant’s energies focused on foliage, rather than producing buds) It has been de-veined, de-stemmed, lightly blanched, dried at low temperature, then stone-ground into an extremely fine powder within pharmaceutical-grade chambers to prevent oxidation. Our premium ceremonial grade Matcha Green Tea is strong, fresh and crisp, vibrant with vegetal notes, and loaded with unique Green Tea anti-oxidants. It has one of the highest amounts of O.R.A.C units (antioxidants) per gram since the most precious parts of the Tea leaf are consumed. Thus, by virtue of “eating” the Tea leaves (solubles and insolubles) rather than just drinking the water from it, one consumes 10 to 15 times the nutrients found in regular Green Teas.
We hope that you will enjoy increased cognitive function, changes in Alpha brain wave activity making you feel more calm, and more alert, and experience less discomfort from inflammation as these powerful anti-inflammatories get to work in your body. Before consuming, please consult with your health care provider to be sure that it is O.K to add Green Tea or Turmeric root to your diet. Your pharmacist could also be a great resource to let you know if there are any known contraindications/ drug interactions/ side effects with herbs and any medications you might be already taking.
Each Vegan capsule contains 300 mg. Ceremonial Grade Matcha and 300 mg.Fair trade Turmeric.
Proudly made in the U.S.A
We are extremely diligent about safety and purity here. All ingredients are tested at time of harvest, then again before encapsulation here on the East Coast of the U.S.A for pesticide residue, heavy metals, radiation, bacteria, molds, or anything harmful. We are big consumers of our products, too, so want them to be excellent. The history is that the majority of our products were created initially back in 2004 to help manage symptoms of auto-immune disease that had flared up shortly after I'd given birth to our first son. My immune system was understandably stressed from childbirth and the lack of sleep as we adjusted to life with a newborn.
The point is...as a farm family, we didn't enter into this project striving to be the biggest, just to offer only the VERY best- for all of us. Thank you for your "tea-evangelism" and support of this unique Organic and Demeter Biodynamic tea farm and our farm family the past 20 years.
With love,
Angela Macke
R.N & Founding Director
MEDICAL DISCLAIMER The information contained in this website or in any of our literature is not presented as medical advice, nor should it be used as a substitute with a qualified and licensed physician. Although much of the information can be found in sources cited in the Tea Association of America’s brochures, on the U.S Dept. of Agriculture’s website, and in many cited independent studies, much of the investigation related to Tea and Tisanes has, unfortunately, not been thoroughly evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration to date. Our products are not designed to treat, cure, diagnose or prevent any specific diseases, and therefore any information contained herein is not to be read as a specific remedy or intended to guarantee any specific result. We are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of our products or any of the suggestions or procedures discussed within. If you have specific food allergies or aversions, please note all ingredients contained in each of our organic and gluten free products. As noted above, all matters pertaining to your health and well-being should be discussed with your licensed medical physician. Thank you.
Popular search words: anti-inflammatory, detoxification, energizing, cleansing, mood elevator
Matcha Tu ;: great benefits of green tea and turmeric all in one capsule. I like the health benefits with out the taste. I like it is easily portable to travel and storage.
Take at least 1 tab daily ..helps with attention and energy
Efficient and easy way to get your daily highest quality matcha!
These capsules taken in the afternoon is a pick me up. Gives you that boost. Also helps with my inflammation.
LOVE THESE! Can I give them more than 5 stars?
Certified USDA Organic Farm
Demeter Certified Biodynamic Land
Bee Friendly
Handmade in Michigan USA
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