Want to explore your Chakras?
Try our deluxe boxed sampler set with all 7 of our signature Chakra Teas and Tisanes (mini tins each of Red Raspberry Green, Happy Spleen Green, Lemony Ginger Sunshine, All Heart, Cherry Mint, Leelanau Licorice, and Enlightened White).
This boxed set includes a boxed gold mesh infuser ball, stainless steel tea scoop, preparation instructions and Chakra tea literature.
This is the PERFECT and unique gift for students of contemplative inner work such as prayer, meditation, Yoga or Healing Touch. Peace to you!
The concept of Chakras evolved from the ancient spiritual systems of India and South America. Chakra, the ancient word for “wheel”, is an energy center, a vortex of radiant light and life force (also known as “Chi”) that is constantly turning and expanding. The Chakras are a very real part of your energetic anatomy, as evidenced by the electrical activity we can visualize with the aid of common monitors found in hospitals such as E.K.G, E.E.G machines, etc.
The opening of the Chakras is a journey towards becoming your true self … a journey into a balanced life, one centered around God, our Creator and Source of all life. It is a holistic way of unfolding all the God-given potential that you have within you as a human being. You are a biological being which has been thoughtfully created by the Divine.
There are seven major Chakra systems, each with its own distinct center of intense, concentrated energy. Each has a specific vibrational element, color, shape, sound, and influence, connecting the body, mind, and soul.
At birth, the Chakras are open, healthy, radiant, and full of vitality, unless there has been a birthing or prenatal trauma. As children grow and develop, the various levels of intensity of human interactions such as fear, rejection, failure, and physical or emotional traumas can cause the Chakras to close. By adulthood, they may be completely closed and if there is unbalance or disharmony, illness can begin. When a person buries a painful experience, the body begins to vibrate its energy sub-optimally.
Color: Red – To warm, revitalize, awaken the life force (Kundalini), vitality and courage.
Function: Tribal security, being grounded to the physical world, finding material security, and maintaining balance. Rooted, satisfied, baptism. Trusting, you open yourself to life on Earth and accept everything it holds in store for you with gratitude.
Chakra 1 Tea: Red Raspberry Green Tea (Organic Green Tea, Organic Raspberries, Organic Hibiscus)
Color: Orange – Provides us with stimulation. Renews energy and frees us from rigid patterns. Encourages self-esteem and the joys we get from sexual pleasure.
Function: Relationships, attachment, and letting go. Energy of the communion with another. Creative life energy streams through your body, soul and mind, enabling you to participate in deep joy of creation and all life. You are filled with genuine awe and enthusiasm. Transformation of giving up one’s own ego through union with beloved.
Chakra 2 Tea: Happy Spleen Green (Organic Green tea, Organic Oranges, Organic Apples, Organic Mango, Organic Pear, Organic Calendula petals, Organic Rose hips, Organic Hibiscus)
Color: Yellow- As we approach inner wholeness, the third Chakra gradually transforms the yellow light of intellectual understanding to the golden light of wisdom and abundance. Aids in digestion, both in the physical and spiritual plane. Compensates fatigue, creating joy and cheerful relaxation.
Function: Honor Oneself- self-esteem and respect. Need for Forgiveness. Expansion. Confirmation. Coming of age. Acknowledge personal code of honor. Attitude of appreciation for all one has and gratitude for life itself. Active contact with people and the material world>
Chakra 3 Tea: Lemony-Ginger Sunshine (Organic Lemon peel, Organic Chicory root, Organic Lemon Balm, Organic Lemongrass, Organic Lemon Myrtle, Organic Orange peel, Organic Hibiscus, Organic Cinnamon).
Colors: Green / Pink – Green is the color of healing, sympathy, and harmony, which makes us receptive for reconciliation; Pink – The gentle, tender pink can loosen tension in our heart, awakening feelings of love and tenderness.
Function: The purpose of the heart Chakra is to achieve perfect union through love. Love is the only authentic power. Unconditional love, developing self-love, understanding, and acceptance of self are very important. Celebration, Safety, & Freedom are themes. Sacred Union of Marriage. Reconsideration of covenants. Endurance beyond your physical body. Refine your power of forgiveness. Violations rectified so that healing can take place. A completely open heart Chakra will transform you into a channel of peace so that you can experience Divine love. The energies of your heart can change the world around you , and unite (even help heal) the people around you.
4th Chakra Tea: All Heart: (Organic Green tea, Organic Hibiscus, Organic Cherry, Organic Roses).
Color: Blue – this color creates calmness and expanse; helps open you to spiritual inspiration.
Function: Willpower. Communication, honest expression, articulation. Confession. Be aware that both mercy and judgment reside in the throat. Communicate completely and with integrity. Surrender personal will to Divine will. Honesty /Integrity= Thrive! Release judgment. The fifth Chakra is a bridge between our thoughts and feelings, impulses and reactions, through spoken word. Fragrances clear and widen the fifth chakra, lending creativity and naturalness to our communication. Communicate your intentions with impeccable speech (say the right thing to the right person at the right time with the right frequency…as the Bible says- let your “yes” mean “YES!” and your “no” mean NO!)
Chakra 5 Tea: Cherry Mint Tea (Organic White Tea and Buds, Organic Hibiscus, Organic Cherry, Organic Spearmint and Organic Maple Syrup bits)…cooling and soothing.
Color: Indigo / Purple – Extrasensory perception is shown in shades of violet. Transparent indigo has an opening and purifying effect. Provides the mind with inner calmness, clarity and depth.
Function: Visualization. Understanding. Intuition. Memory. Intellect. Open to mystic truths. Noticing dreams coming true. Clairvoyance. Self-care and Equality. Seek only the Truth. Ask “Why?” Ordination. Right Livelihood. Become a vessel of Divine intervention. Radiate love and supportiveness. Shed human reasoning to embrace Divine Reasoning. Notice the material world becoming transparent.
Chakra 6 Tea: Leelanau Licorice (Organic Licorice root, Organic Peppermint leaf).
Colors: Violet / White – color of devotion and meditation. White contains all the colors of the spectrum; integrates the different levels of life to a higher unity and opens our souls to divine light, knowledge, and healing.
Function: Complete comprehension. Living in the present moment. Inspiration to ecstasy, access to divine wisdom, know the Sacred Truths. Awareness of more than our physical bodies. Extreme unction. Examine into whose hands you have commanded your spirit. A retreat, when you are away from earthly cares and events of personal life, is a good way to help the Seventh Chakra to open up.
Chakra 7 Tea: Enlightened White (Organic White tea, Organic Orange, Organic Tangerine, Organic Lotus.) …The scent of the Lotus flower bears the message of love, joy, and knowledge, guiding the receptive and ready soul on it’s path to unity with God.
We welcome your feedback on these very unique products that have been a staple in our product line since we first began back in late 2003. Our “Tea fairies” have made them with much love and positive intention for your well-being and the healing of our beloved Earth. Many of the ingredients have been grown right here in Traverse City on our Organic and Demeter Biodynamic Tea farm. We truly hope that you enjoy.
MEDICAL DISCLAIMER The information contained in this website or in any of our literature is not presented as medical advice, nor should it be used as a substitute with a qualified and licensed physician. Although much of the information can be found in sources cited in the Tea Association of America’s brochures, on the U.S Dept. of Agriculture’s website, and in many cited independent studies, much of the investigation related to Tea and Tisanes has, unfortunately, not been thoroughly evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration to date. Our products are not designed to treat, cure, diagnose or prevent any specific diseases, and therefore any information contained herein is not to be read as a specific remedy or intended to guarantee any specific result. We are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of our products or any of the suggestions or procedures discussed within. If you have specific food allergies or aversions, please note all ingredients contained in each of our organic and gluten free products. As noted above, all matters pertaining to your health and well-being should be discussed with your licensed medical physician. Thank you.
Common search words and phrases: chakra teas, tea for the seven chakras, energy teas
What great flavor!
Certified USDA Organic Farm
Demeter Certified Biodynamic Land
Bee Friendly
Michigan Made
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