$35.00 $44.00 You save: 20% ( $9.00 )
Ingredients:Organic Black Tea
Blender's Notes: Meet your new favorite tea! Ceylon-style black tea, now grown 100% here at Light of Day Organics, so this product is also known as "Light of Day Breakfast Tea". On sale now in an effort to use up these "old name" labels so that the soy-based ink is not wasted. This is an honest cup of fantastic organic tea that was previously sourced from the island nation of Ceylon, or Sri Lanka as it is known as today. This multigenerational Certified Demeter Biodynamic family estate (where soil health is enhanced using Rudolph Steiner's recommendations for Biodynamic regenerative agricultural practices) recently retired operations, but graciously provided us with the information we needed to purchase the machinery necessary for producing. This is a Full leaf style black tea style whose taste is sure to please, especially when a little caffeine boost is needed. Black tea is naturally caffeinated. Reddish-liquor in the cup. Takes cream and sugar well. Very uplifting, smooth and highly enjoyable.
MEDICAL DISCLAIMER The information contained in this website or in any of our literature is not presented as medical advice, nor should it be used as a substitute with a qualified and licensed physician. Although much of the information can be found in sources cited in the Tea Association of America’s brochures, on the U.S Dept. of Agriculture’s website, and in many cited independent studies, much of the investigation related to Tea and Tisanes has, unfortunately, not been thoroughly evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration to date. Our products are not designed to treat, cure, diagnose or prevent any specific diseases, and therefore any information contained herein is not to be read as a specific remedy or intended to guarantee any specific result. We are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of our products or any of the suggestions or procedures discussed within. If you have specific food allergies or aversions, please note all ingredients contained in each of our organic and gluten free products. As noted above, all matters pertaining to your health and well-being should be discussed with your licensed medical physician. Thank you.
Popular search words: Organic Tea, Biodynamic Tea, hand picked tea, Irish Breakfast, Black tea, caffeinated tea, energizing tea, bulk tea
This is my current favorite!
Awesome tea- THE best!! 🙏🏼🐬🙏🏼
Certified USDA Organic Farm
Demeter Certified Biodynamic Land
Bee Friendly
Handmade in Michigan USA
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