Ingredients: Organic Oolong Tea, Organic Red Top Clover
Blender's Notes: Peachy-notes. A deeply oxidized wirey Oolong Tea that is naturally caffeinated. Blended with Red Top Clover Blossoms from our Organic and Demeter Biodynamic Farm.
This is one of our favorite teas for summertime iced tea.
OOLONG TEA - Oolong tea can be an excellent support aid regarding managing specific health conditions when combined with treatment, such as helping to lower high blood pressure in a more natural way, or helping to lower the levels of cholesterol in your blood. Researchers in China studied the relationship between drinking oolong tea and lowering cholesterol levels, as high cholesterol levels can be associated with an increased risk for heart disease. Gained momentum in popularity when Oprah promoted Oolong tea as a weight loss aid.
Red Top Clover: Red clover's brightly colored flowers contain many nutrients including calcium, chromium, magnesium, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, thiamine, and vitamin C. In herbal medicine, red clover is typically used to treat respiratory issues (such as asthma, whooping cough, and bronchitis), skin disorders (such as eczema and psoriasis), inflammatory conditions like arthritis, and women's health problems..
MEDICAL DISCLAIMER The information contained in this website or in any of our literature is not presented as medical advice, nor should it be used as a substitute with a qualified and licensed physician. Although much of the information can be found in sources cited in the Tea Association of America’s brochures, on the U.S Dept. of Agriculture’s website, and in many cited independent studies, much of the investigation related to Tea and Tisanes has, unfortunately, not been thoroughly evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration to date. Our products are not designed to treat, cure, diagnose or prevent any specific diseases, and therefore any information contained herein is not to be read as a specific remedy or intended to guarantee any specific result. We are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of our products or any of the suggestions or procedures discussed within. If you have specific food allergies or aversions, please note all ingredients contained in each of our organic and gluten free products. As noted above, all matters pertaining to your health and well-being should be discussed with your licensed medical physician. Thank you.
Blender’s Notes: Peachy-notes. A deeply oxidized wirey Oolong Tea that is naturally caffeinated. Blended with our Demeter Biodynamic Red Top Clover Blossoms. This is one of our favorite teas for summertime iced tea.
*Remember when ordering loose teas, that there are approximately 200 servings per pound (or that 1 oz. of loose leaf tea or tisane makes 15-25 servings)*
Staff Recipe: Bumble Blossom Oolong-Infused Butter!
This was a truly fun and adventurous endeavor! Use this infused tea butter in baking recipes when regular butter is called for, or top baked goods with this rich and smooth treat! The uses are endless, and other teas can be used to suit a particular dish! This butter was used to make lucious peach pancakes and was used within the recipe, as well as on top of the cakes (that were paired with local syrup)! Another idea: infuse butter with a citrus tea, like our Tulsi Citrus Soother, or Lemony-Ginger Sunshine, and pair the citrus tea butter with a flaky whitefish entree.
Get creative and pair away!
*This recipe was featured by Stephani Pollack on her website, "The Cupcake Project", and was originally developed by Robert Wemischner, author of "Cooking with Tea".
His article, "A Bit of Tea Alchemy", can be found here :)
Directions (with pictures when necessary):
1) Measure out ingredients (one Tbsp of organic, unsalted butter for every tsp of tea, noting that the tea leaves will absorb some butter and you will lose some butter volume)
2) Place butter in saucepan, slowly melting on the lowest heat
3) Just as butter is completely melted, add tea and stir to combine
4) Let simmer on lowest heat for about five minutes, watching for infusion/color
5) Turn heat off and let cool in saucepan, maybe another five minutes (do not let harden in pan)
6) Pour mixture into a fine sieve (with catch vessel below) to drain, pressing down hard onto the leaves
7) Here is the beautifully infused golden tea butter in liquid form!
8) Allow to harden in fridge, then cover with parchment paper and refrigerate!
9) Add to any recipe that calls for butter, or use as a spread topping. The results were silky, aromatic, and delicious. Enjoy!
Recipe lovingly contributed by LOD staff member, Kristen!
Certified USDA Organic Farm
Demeter Certified Biodynamic Land
Bee Friendly
Handmade in Michigan USA
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