Dear friend of Light of Day,
Your "Tea-evangelism" efforts contribute in a very significant way to help make others aware of the important work we are doing here on this diverse Biodynamic farm.
The loose leaf teas and tisanes that we produce here are labor-intensive ones which truly are made with incredible love and care. Our devoted team has been implementing Dr. Rudolph Steiner’s Biodynamic farming methods for 5 years now, which involves positive intention, the use of a time-tested Lunar calendar, compost preparations, foliar applications, and a sincere dedication/devotion to healing our Earth. Our land has been certified organic for 6 years now and are presently the only Demeter-certified Biodynamic farm in the state of Michigan! As a company, we are audited annually (Stellar certification Services, Demeter USA and Michigan Department of Agriculture), so that you many rest assured that our promises to you are verified by a third party certifying agent. Please consider requesting a valid certificate from vendors you buy "organic" products from. If they are certified; they'll be delighted that you've asked to see it.
Personally, this project is one of the the most meaningful of my life, and has provided a constant interest peak for me, as tea history and rituals worldwide are as varied and richly steeped in history as each country’s people are. My hope is that you will enjoy learning about tea...it sure has a lot going for it!
We welcome word from you at anytime. Please let us know how we can best be of service to you; we are a small family business and are genuinely interested in hearing from you!
Thank you again,
Angela Macke
Registered Nurse & Founding Director