What to expect at our Winter Solstice Sacred Fire Event December 21, 2023
Sacred fires have been used for generations with indigenous communities around the world to begin ceremonies, events or ritual. They have many unique holistic wellness benefits and lessons to offer by providing a gentle, welcoming, safe healing space for gathering and celebrating, promoting bonding, togetherness, remembrance, prayer and physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Sacred fires are intended to support us in feeling more open, more grounded, and deepen our connection with our community of people on Earth, our ancestors and loved ones who have moved on. It's important to know that a sacred fire differs greatly from a camp fire. There are specific traditions and protocols followed to keep the sacred fire pure, burning brightly, and to uphold the integrity and sacredness of the fire. We request participants be positive, respectful, and open-minded to nurture a positive space for everyone involved in this impactful experience of the sacred fire. At Sacred Fires, there is always a Fire keeper assigned who builds, lights, maintains, and keeps watch over the fire so that it is never unattended. Steve Bailey is our Fire Keeper. Following local Native American traditions, Steve will prepare the fire pit before dawn using specific materials, and will light it right at sunrise. He keeps careful watch and assures that the fire is never left alone. He is the only one who tends to the actual fire itself (preparing fire pit, igniting it, adding wood, stirring the fire, etc.) Steve will be present to welcome you at the fire in our Meditation Garden and to answer questions you might have including how to approach the fire, why sacred items such as whole leaf Tobacco, Sage, Cedar, and Sweetgrass may be placed in the fire as a gesture of acknowledging ancestors or offering a special prayer request. Additionally, our ancestor’s favorite foods can be placed in the fire. Feel welcome to bring Christmas treats to share with other participants!
We look forward to seeing you next Thursday for this special event. With love, Angela