Taking time to be present IS the assignment. Drink tea; choose love.

'Tis the season to take time out for tea; 
sharing the gift of yourself is the assignment.

Acts of generosity, such as the giving your time with acts of service, your gifts and talents, money or other resources, while expecting nothing in return, have been proven to be beneficial for our health.  Generous individuals are personally more fulfilled, happier, more peaceful within themselves, increase their life expectancy, and are more productive at home and at work in their vocation.
The key is that the "gift" doesn’t just meet a need – it goes over and abovethe need. This can be anything from money, kindness, love, possessions, food,  a song, a love letter, a prayer, a kidney, a kidney bean, a foot rub, patience, active listening, or taking time to share a spot of tea with a friend.                                                           
Opportunities to perform acts of generosity often present themselves in what initially might feel like an interruption to your day, and when that happens, taking time out to respond lovingly to the “interruption” likely is the assignment.  Decide to love. Decide to push the pause button on your life to consciously, deliberately take time out to be present... to respond with love and patienceto whatever is being asked of you.  With a little practice, you will learn to be on the ready to respond abundantly when opportunities for generosity knock.
Generosity is considered one of the 'fruits of the Spirit". Some translations call it “goodness”.  Generosity is an expression of love by giving what one has to one who does not have enough.  
In the Bible, the Apostle Paul wrote that you reap how much you sow (not just what you sow), so plant seeds of love and peace everywhere!
Sow on good ground and bad – so that the whole Universe can conspire to  fertilize your seeds with love, and help spread abundance and peace far and wide.  Sprouts of goodwill might very well appear where you may have least expected that result.
Buddhism teaches that practicing generosity helps train the mind to eliminate greed, promote enlightenment, decrease ill will and reduce attachment to possessions and negative emotions by forgiving, releasing our grip, and letting them go.  
The bottom line is that if we are willingto give, it will always be possiblefor us  to give with no strings attached.

Give thanks for the abundance we enjoy.
Take nothing for granted.
Life is so precious. 


We sincerely appreciate you.
With love, hope , faith, and joy~
Angela & the Light of Day Organics Farm family

Where there's tea, there's hope. Where there's tea, there's hope. Where there's tea, there's hope.


Where there's tea, there's hope. Where there's tea, there's hope. Where there's tea, there's hope.


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